Bose has launched its new pair of flagship headphones that comes with dozens of tech-laden features. The Smart Noise Cancellation Headphones 700 provides high resolution, lossless, wireless audio streaming from connected smartphones.
Headphone Specifications
Based on Bluetooth 5.0, the headphones also offer alternate wired connectivity to smartphones. It features an unrivaled four-microphone system that only picks up your voice and isolates it from background noise. Active Noise Cancellation allows you to alter the amount of noise we want to let in. It promises a battery life of up to 20 hours. With built-in USB Type-C port, it packs in 3.5 hours of playback within 15 minutes of charge.
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The comfortable angled ear cups comprising synthetic leather make them durable and built for all-day listening. The headphones are well optimized for Google Assistant, Apple Siri, and Amazon Alexa. Through Bose Music App, you can choose the right service for yourself. To stand out from the crowd, the company has introduced Bose AR. The first of its kind, audio augmented reality. Built-in embedded motion sensors will detect head orientation and body movement. Bose AR-enhanced apps can use this data along with your location details and provide unbelievable audio content.
Future Plans
Currently, the American based audio manufacturer is providing this model only in shades of black. The silver variant is expected to arrive at a later date. The noise cancellation headphones will go on sale in India from August 22 priced at Rs. 34,500. The headphones will be available both online and offline through retailers including Bose Stores, Amazon, and Flipkart. Bose also plans to introduce truly wireless earphones, the Bose Earbuds 500 and Bose Noise Cancelling Earbuds 700 in India. Although not many details have been provided by the company regarding their launch dates and price.