Keeping its 400 Million+ Family in mind Telegram has now decided to add a group secure video call feature this year. This feature was the only feature left in telegram. The same company announced today that the feature is under development and will be launched this year. Although a similar feature exists but according to the company the feature either offers security or usability but the new one will offer both.
“Video calls in 2020 are much like messaging in 2013. There are apps that are either secure or usable, but not both. We’d like to fix that”
Telegram on a Blog post
According to telegram current group video calling services offer either security or usability is a not-so-subtle swipe at user-friendly Zoom, as triggered in privacy issues.
Telegram is considered to be the safest messaging application due to its end to end encryption and its retroDelete options.It also has features which protects the user identity and helps them to chat well.
There is not much information has been released on this topic yet and everyone here is waiting for the updates. Telegram is something which users expect alot from. Let’s what’s up with the new features we’ll get you updates with every possible news in the same regards