Facebook is launching some new care emoji as part of its reactions emojis for Facebook posts so that you can show your love and care and feel more connected with your family and friends during this pandemic issue COVID-19.
So, this care emoji pack includes two emojis i.e., a face emoji hugging a heart for the Facebook app to react on posts and stories and a beating heart that will be included in the messenger app.
You can also see this emoji pack in the following tweet which shows how you can use it.
During an interview of Fidji Simo, head of the Facebook App (@fidjissimo) with The National (@TheNationalUAE), Simo says “As we’ve spoken with people about the kinds of emotions they want to convey in relation to posts they see in their NewsFeed, Hug is one of the most frequently suggested ideas,” indicating towards the need of love and sympathy during this time, so you can express it well through this emoji pack.
According to Alexandru Voica, “The new Care Reaction will start rolling out next week globally and you can use it to react to posts, comments, images, videos, or other content on the app and http://Facebook.com “. Well, that is it for this one. Let us know what you think of this one in the comment section down below.