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GitHub launches CodeSpaces to let developers code directly on Web Browser

In the Satellite 2020 online event, held yesterday, GitHub announced a few features: CodeSpaces, GitHub discussions, and Code scanning and Secret scanning.

For those of you who don’t know what GitHub is: GitHub is an online, advanced Graphical version of Git (a version control and revision tracking software created by Linus Torvalds, the mind behind Linux), at its root GitHub uses Git but is much easier to use and basically free. This makes it a prime resource for open source projects, as now they can accept contributions from literally anybody interested in contributing. Though not to say that it cannot be used for private projects, but enough of that, let’s get on with the Announcements.


GitHub is all about making it easier for developers to contribute to any project they want, but the only way to contribute is through pull requests, this requires one to set up a local environment on the machine the user is working on to start contributing, GitHub gets rid of this hassle by providing developers with a development environment within their web browser with CodeSpaces.

The CodeSpaces beta is public and free to use for all.

GitHub discussions

GitHub discussions will provide the developers working on a project with a platform to discuss with each other. The discussions will also act as Q and A platform like Stack Overflow or Geeks for Geeks. Discussions will also appear on the contributions graph of one’s profile.

Code Scanning and Secret Scanning

The Code Scanning feature will allow users to scan their code for potential vulnerabilities and this feature is available for free on all public projects. On the other hand, the Secret Scanning feature will scan the code for secret API keys and is available for free on all private repositories.

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