Truecaller is a developed mobile app that finds global mobile number details given a phone number that either uses this app or is synchronized with their phonebook contacts and has an integrated caller ID service to achieve call blocking functionality and social media integration to keep the phonebook up-to-date with pictures and birthdays. The Swedish company developed it.

Your home address may also be listed and infringed in your privacy. So how can we remove your Truecaller database number? If you are a Truecaller user and have checked your number, you need to deactivate your account first by going to the Settings menu in the app.

How to deactivate your Truecaller Account?
- For Windows Mobile
Open the app and tap the three dots in the bottom right corner > Settings > Help > Deactivate account. - For Android
Open the app > tap the people icon in the upper left corner > Settings > About > Deactivate account. - For iPhone
Open the app > tap the gear icon in the top right corner > About Truecaller > Scroll down > Deactivate Truecaller.
Once your Truecaller account has been deactivated, you can process the removal of your Truecaller service number.
How to unlist your TrueCaller phone number?
If you don’t want your number in the Truecaller app to be searchable, enter your phone number below, including country code, and click’ Unlist.’ (i.e.+919876543210).
Please note that it may take up to 24 hours to remove the number.
Go to this link to Unlist your your phone number.