Amazon Alexa start Hindi language support as announced in a official press conference on Wednesday. Not only Amazon Alexa will listen to Hindi but reply in the local language too.
It sounds great that now Ai enabled devices will talk to more than half billion Indians in their language. This announcement come after the analysis of use of Hindi on Amazon’s website as their is a growth by 6 times in last few months.

Amazon was working from last more than one year on the Hindi approach as Hindi is vast, contextual and cultural-language. Hindi is the mother tongue of the nation.
Currently, Alexa will speak in a single voice in Hindi while it offers multiple voices for English language. Alexa supports variants of around 15 languages.
Rohit Prasad, VP and head scientist of Alexa told that “The adoption of Alexa in India has been phenomenal. A lot of how people in India engage with their smartphones and internet services is different from those in the United States. For instance, in India, people often search the name of an actor instead of the singer or the band when they are looking for a particular song.”
Alexa has also added Hinglish, a combination of Hindi and English on which almost our life works. IDC reports says that Amazon commanded the local smart speakers market with a 59% market share in 2018. According to a report by KPMG and Google, Indian language (Mostly Hindi-Hinglish) internet users are expected to account for nearly 75% of India’s internet user base and 9 out of every 10 new internet users in the country will likely be an Indian language speaker.
That’s the major reason that the e-commerce engine wants to expand more in India as Amazon has valued today with a market cap of 899.02 B USD.